Cake, ice cream, and candy; All staples for a kid’s birthday party. However, the recommendation is for children ages 2-18 to consume less than 25g or six teaspoons of sugar per day. An average slice of cake with frosting has a whopping 30g of sugar, put a scoop of ice cream on top and a […]
At Coastal Pediatric Dentistry in Bolivia, we’re committed to ensuring the oral health of your children. One of the most effective ways we achieve this is through dental sealants – a simple yet impactful method to protect their smiles from cavities and potential dental issues. Children often struggle with maintaining proper oral hygiene, which can lead […]
At Coastal Pediatric Dentistry in Bolivia, we’re committed to ensuring the oral health of your children. One of the most effective ways we achieve this is through dental sealants – a simple yet impactful method to protect their smiles from cavities and potential dental issues. Children often struggle with maintaining proper oral hygiene, which can lead […]
At Coastal Pediatric Dentistry in Bolivia, we understand that as parents, you must help set a healthy oral foundation in your child’s life. This includes starting to take your child to a pediatric dentist as early as when they are six months or when their first tooth comes out. With the right pediatric dentist, you […]
Parenting is no joke. It is equal parts rewarding and exhausting. Moms and dads know how much effort it takes to keep kids healthy and happy. And, everyone from mommy blogs to mothers in law have an opinion on where parents are falling short. Are they eating a balanced diet? Is their homework done? Do […]
You may have heard the term baby bottle tooth decay, or perhaps one synonym: Early childhood caries (ECC), or baby bottle syndrome. All these terms refer to tooth decay in young children. Often decay occurs in young children because of their propensity to fall asleep with a bottle full of formula, breast milk, or juice […]
Examining your child’s mouth isn’t easy! Their bone structure is still developing, and they might have difficulty opening wide—if they don’t, you’ll probably need a flashlight and a dental mirror for examination. Your Bolivia dentists at Coastal Pediatric Dentistry are equipped with a comfortable dental chair for them to lean back in, an illuminating overhead […]
Zirconia has been used in major medical procedures like hip replacement for many years due to its strength and biocompatibility. It took the dental industry until the early 2000s to catch up, beginning with adult dental procedures such as dental implants, root canals, and dental crowns. In 2010, zirconia became available for use in pediatric […]
If you’re a parent or you’re lucky enough to work with infants and toddlers, you know that teething is not the most fun phase they’ll go through. Teeth having to push their way through gum tissue sounds rough, so it’s no surprise that as it happens, your little one will likely be sensitive and in […]
What are mamelons teeth? If you’re a new parent, whether your babe’s teeth are just emerging or they’re starting to fall out, you might wonder, “What are those bumps on their front teeth?” Mamelons teeth appear in the front of the mouth (the incisors) both on top and bottom and are characterized by bumpy ridges. […]